
Heartworm infections in dogs are very common in the La Vergne area. Heartworms are spread by the bites of mosquitos. Due to our warm weather and many bodies of water, we have large populations of mosquitos in the area. It is important to keep your dogs on heartworm prevention as the treatment of heartworm infections is both expensive and dangerous. We follow the recommendations of The American Heartworm Society in recommending yearly testing and using preventives that have the highest success rates.

We are commonly asked if cats can get heartworms. The answer is YES. While heartworm infections in cats are not as common as in dogs, the consequences can be very serious. Treatments used to rid dogs of mature heartworms cannot be used in cats. However, there are several heartworm preventatives that can be used in cats and we highly recommend them, especially if your cats spend much time outside.

The American Heartworm Society is a good source of information on heartworm infections in both dogs and cats. For more information on heartworm disease, please click the button below to be directed to their website.